27. - 30. März 2025 Leipziger Buchmesse
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Clothing the Colonials

Book Talk with Stephanie Coo

19:00 - 20:00 Uhr Fr. 28. März
Veranstalter: National Book Development Board Philippines


How does clothing characters in a work of fiction become a political act?


What do the vestidos de blanco, vestidas de chula, tapís, native camisa, wool apparel, silk gowns with extended skirts, and hats with squashed parrots reveal about the historical developments and burning issues of the late 19th century? How does clothing characters in a work of fiction as Jose Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere become a political act? Merry maidens, helpless mothers, egoistic paterfamilias, eccentric philosophers, inveterate gamblers, and hapless coconut pruners are among the novel’s garbed characters portrayed in empires at the crossroad: the declining, frail and weary on the one hand,and on the other, the rising young, robust, and progressive.


Informationen zum Programm


Lancaster University Leipzig / Strohsack-Passage - 1. Etage

Nikolaistraße 10 04109 Leipzig


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