27. - 30. März 2025 Leipziger Buchmesse
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Jay Ignacio


J. Philip Ignacio is a musician, actor, documentary filmmaker, improvisational theatre veteran, and Co-Founder of Third World Improv, the premiere improv school in the Philippines. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Development Studies in 1995 from the University of the Philippines, Manila. His first graphic novel, “Alandal,” won the 40th National Book Award and 7th National Children’s Book Award. His book has a German, Burmese, and World English edition.


17:00 - 17:30 Uhr SA. 29. MÄRZ
Comics Reimagining the Nation

Philippine pre-colonial history was destroyed, rewritten, and revised by the colonizers. This compels Jay Ignacio, and many creators like him, to use comics to reimagine the nation, its history, and its people, like in his graphic novel Alandal. [with video presentation]

National Book Development Board Philippines
Übersetzungszentrum / Forum International